Bout, Pieter

(Brussel 1658 - 1719 Brussel)

A pleasant gathering at a market scene

20 x 29 cm

A pleasant gathering at a market scene

Private collection Vienna

Surprisingly little is known about the Brussels painter Pieter Bout. It is generally assumed that he was baptized in Brussels on december 5th 1658. He probably died januari 28 1719 in his place of birth. He enrolled at the Brussels guild of painters in 1671; his teacher is not known. From circa 1672  he spent several years in Paris, where he frequently collaborated with Adriaen Frans Boudewijns, a fellow countryman. Boudewijns painted city- and landscapes, for which Bout painted the figures. He was then active in Brussels, where he married in 1695. He probably visited Italy.

This village fair is a rich and colourful example of his work. The vivid figures on the market scene explain his high esteemed collaboration with colleagues as the mentioned Boudewijns, Lucas Achtschellinck and Jacques d’Arthois.


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